Thabo Ndlovu (left), 45, and Nyaweni Maphang, 40, were discussing whether Nelson Mandela was recovering or not in a hospital in Pretoria, where he's been convalescing for more than 6 weeks. This is 7th Avenue near Richard Baloyi Street. The Nelson Mandela Heritage Site is also located here on Baloyi. Just a few yards from where these men were standing. The buzz on the street was today here, was mostly about Nelson Mandela's birthday. He turned 95 today.
July, 18th is Nelson Mandela Day Worldwide, Alexandra Township, South Africa

Thabo Ndlovu (left), 45, and Nyaweni Maphang, 40, were discussing whether Nelson Mandela was recovering or not in a hospital in Pretoria, where he's been convalescing for more than 6 weeks. This is 7th Avenue near Richard Baloyi Street. The Nelson Mandela Heritage Site is also located here on Baloyi. Just a few yards from where these men were standing. The buzz on the street was today here, was mostly about Nelson Mandela's birthday. He turned 95 today.  

Being a Part of Events That Changed The World

Being a Part of Events That Changed The World 

Ozier Muhammad has worked more than 4 decades as a Photojournalist. 








Ozier Muhammad is represented by:  

Keith de Lellis Gallery 

41 East 57th Street  

Suite 703 

New York, NY 10022 

T 212 327 1482 

F 212 327 1492 

Most of the photographs are for sale through Keith de Lellis Gallery, almost without exception.