Abuja, Nigeria - 1999 - Former President Jimmy Carter and former Chairman of The Joint Chiefs of Staff  Colin Powell were joined by 60 delegate observesrs for the Nigerian presidential election, as they were on their way to a press conference at the Nicon Noga Hilton Hotel. Carter, Powell and the delegation had just returned to the hotel after meeting with Abdulsalami Abubakar, head of Nigeria./NYT Ozier Muhammad

Abuja, Nigeria - 1999 - Former President Jimmy Carter and former Chairman of The Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell were joined by 60 delegate observesrs for the Nigerian presidential election, as they were on their way to a press conference at the Nicon Noga Hilton Hotel. Carter, Powell and the delegation had just returned to the hotel after meeting with Abdulsalami Abubakar, head of Nigeria./NYT Ozier Muhammad 

Being a Part of Events That Changed The World

Being a Part of Events That Changed The World 

Ozier Muhammad has worked more than 4 decades as a Photojournalist. 








Ozier Muhammad is represented by:  

Keith de Lellis Gallery 

41 East 57th Street  

Suite 703 

New York, NY 10022 

T 212 327 1482 

F 212 327 1492 


Most of the photographs are for sale through Keith de Lellis Gallery, almost without exception.